12V Remote Starter Switch

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12V Remote Starter Switch

SKU:  5204  |  Manufacturer ID:  CAPRSS

12V Remote Starter Switch
12V Remote Starter Switch


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$4.58 ea.
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349 in Stock


(from 1 to 349)
  • 5' long wire allows plenty of mobility
  • Attaches easily with alligator clip connections
  • Momentary push button for accurate movement
  • Color coded wires for easy identification and connection
  • Safely keeps your hands away from dangerous belts, fans, pulleys, and other moving parts
  • SKU 5204
    Manufacturer ID CAPRSS
    Manufacturer Cal Hawk Tools
    Case Quantity 72
    UPC 0091044391292
    Item Weight 0.40 lbs
    Item Package Dimensions
    (L x W x H)
    8.00" x 4.75" x 1.63"